Tags - Public Link

The Public Link option on a Tag allows you to create a link that will allow anyone who opens it to view the most recent location of any devices assigned to that Tag.

Some important things to note about Public Links:

  • Public Links, once created, can be viewed by anyone with the link. The only way to stop anyone from viewing the location via the link is to turn the link off for everyone, and/or deleting the Tag
    • For this reason, if you plan on using Public Links we recommend creating Tags that are for the sole purpose of holding the Public Link, and are not where Geofences and People assignments are going to be associated. This way, if you need to delete or change the Tag assignments to change who has access to the Public Link and what the Public Link displays, it will not interfere with Geofences and People assignments.
  • Public Links only show the most recently recorded visual location on the map. People with the link will not be able to view the date, time, street address, historical data, settings, alerts, or other information.
  • To use this feature, you will need to make sure Tags are enabled, to see how to enable Tags, check this article.

To set up or edit a Public Link:

1 . Create or open a Tag:

  1. Select the "P" Icon in the Tag page where it says "Public"

  1. In the menu that pops up, turn the slide on to enable the Public Link, or turn the slider off to disable the Public Link

  1. The Public Link is now generated. Copy the link and distribute it to whomever you wish to have access to see the most recent location of any devices added to this Tag. Remember, anyone who has the link can view the location while "Enable public link" is switched on.

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