
To generate Reports for your devices, click the Reports icon on the left side of the screen. This will open the Reports Menu:

Reports come in 3 main types: Summary, Static, & Travel

Summary Reports display a summary of basic information such as Average speed, Safety score, total drive time, total stopped time, and total distance travelled. Example Summary Report:

Static Reports (formerly All Reports) display all point by point tracking information received from the device. These are the best report type if you want all available information for a given date or time period. Example Static Report:

Travel Reports offer a trip by trip summary of the devices travel, with start time, stop time, and other information. Example Travel Report:

You can see each trip recorded on the Travel Report on the Map by clicking the teardrop icon (top right of the picture). This will cause that specific trip to display alone on the Map.

To create a Report, select  “Report Filters”

In the menu that appears, use the drop down menus to select any criteria you want to filter the information that will appear in the Report. A date or date range is required.

Once all desired filters have been selected, click “Apply” at the bottom of the menu.

Once the Report has been created, you can flip between Summary, Static, and Travel Reports for the same Filters simply by selecting Summary, Static, or Travel near the top of the menu.

Important Tip: The Report menu starts compacted to let you view it alongside the Map. To get a more easy-to-read full size version use the arrow icons at the bottom of the report window:

Scheduled Reports

You can also Schedule specific Reports to generate for you automatically. To do so, follow the steps above, and once the Report has been created, select Generate Report in the summary at the bottom of the menu:

This will bring you to a menu to set up recurring pre generated Reports for the Device or Person you had previously selected:

You can set how frequently the Reports generate, be it daily, weekly, monthly, or annually. Next, select the range the Report is to cover, again daily, weekly, monthly, or annually. Once all settings are configured to your desired options, click Save. Scheduled Reports will now automatically appear under Scheduled in the Reports section according to the settings you selected when you set them up.

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