People Tab

An Admin user can access all the People within the organization from the People tab. This is where People can be assigned Tags, specific devices to view, and have their details edited, such as Name, phone number, and email address.

To access a persons profile, simply click on it. This will open their profile where you can view it and edit any properties that need changing.

Editing User Details - Clicking the pencil icon next to the persons name lets you edit the name on their profile, their phone number, and their email address

Assigning Tags - Clicking the pencil icon next to Tag's lets you apply any Tags you have made to the Person. Example uses would be to apply a group of devices, alerts, and geofences that have been associated under a Tag.

Assigning Devices - The > icon next to Visible Devices lets you see what devices are already Visible to the persons profile.
The pencil icon next to Visible Devices will let you assign devices to be Visible to this person. This can be done by selecting individual devices, or if they are assigned a Tag with the devices you want to have visible to them, you will be able to select the Tag, and all devices associated with that Tag will be made visible to them.

The > Icon next to Extra Info lets you see any labels or notes left on the Persons profile.
The pencil next to Extra Info lets you add labels and notes to the persons profile.

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