Alerts Descriptions - HD OBD
Alerts Descriptions - HD OBD
Check Engine Light ON - This Alert is sent whenever the device detects that the check engine light is on in the vehicle.
- Although every effort is made to get all information possible, some vehicles do not follow standard reporting methods and may have limited or no information available.
Fuel Loss - This alert is sent whenever the device detects an instantaneous drop in fuel of 20% or more. Please note, the vehicle must be turned on for this alert to trigger.
- Although every effort is made to get all information possible, some vehicles do not follow standard reporting methods and may have limited or no information available.
Hard Turn - This alert is triggered when the device accelerometer detects that the vehicle may have made a particularly aggressive turn. The device must be secured so that it does not move independently from the vehicle for this alert to function properly.
Harsh Breaking/Rapid Acceleration - Accelerator Alerts are triggered when the vehicle accelerates or decelerates in an aggressive fashion. These alerts may be indicative of aggressive driving. This will alert for harsh braking outside the normal parameters.
Idle / Idle Threshold - An Alert will be sent when the vehicle idles longer than the designated amount of time and at every interval of that time that the vehicle continues to idle.
Ignition On/Off - A notification will be sent stating that the ignition has been switched on or off. The tracker’s location can then be viewed on your online map.
New Vehicle - This Alert is sent whenever the device detects a VIN that is different from the most recent previously recorded VIN.
- Although every effort is made to get all information possible, some vehicles do not follow standard reporting methods and may have limited or no information available.
Potential Collision - This alert is triggered when the device accelerometer detects the possibility of a vehicle collision. Please Note, this alert should be used as a first step in investigating if a collision has occurred. The alert being triggered should not be taken as a guarantee that the vehicle had a collision. The device must be secured so that it does not move independently from the vehicle for this alert to function properly.
Potential Rollover - This alert is triggered when the device accelerometer detects the possibility of a vehicle rollover. Please Note, this alert should be used as a first step in investigating if a rollover has occurred. The alert being triggered should not be taken as a guarantee that the vehicle had a rollover. The device must be secured so that it does not move independently from the vehicle for this alert to function properly.
Power Disconnect - This Alert is triggered whenever the device is disconnected from its main power source. When disconnected the device will report on its own battery power for approximately 1 hour depending on conditions.
Power Off & Power On - These Alerts are sent whenever the device is turned off or turned on, respectively. This is different from ignition on and off in that this is alerting when the device itself powers on and off.
Speed / Speed Alert - The Speed Alert will be triggered when speed is above threshold for 15 seconds. The event is reset when speed is 15 mph below the threshold.
Volts / Battery Threshold - Set your voltage threshold in 0.1 increments i.e. 11.4 The Voltage Alert will be triggered when vehicle's battery voltage drops below the threshold.